Work is about finding a way to effectively complete a task. It's not about what we can't do, what we look like, whether we roll on wheels or walk on two legs.

Many new Assistive Technology (AT) devices were developed to help people get work done by new means, such as by dictating text to a voice recognition program or by having computer screens read aloud with a screen reader. Some people with limited use of hands and arms may need an alternative mouse, for example, a head-pointer or eye-gaze system. Solutions aren't always simple, but they work!
The important thing to concentrate on is what we can do, as opposed to what we can't. Work is good for everyone because it provides a connection to the community and an opportunity to contribute; however great or small.
If you are a person with a disability who hasn't found his/her talents yet, consult a job or vocational counselor or an occupational therapist. Job counselors work in many settings—schools, government offices and community centers. Occupational therapists show you what tools to use to accomplish tasks, often using assistive technology.
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